Saturday, 21 February 2009

A- part5 Closed the entire head

Now it is the time finished the rest of the head, it will be easier then the face part because there is not too many polygon on them.

Left side of head
Beginning from one side of the face, and drag and clone the whole edge to the backward, move them to the right, and target weld with the eyebrow part, and adjust the new points on the vertex level.
pull the points on the forehead to the lift, there will be a corner where I will create a corner of eyebrow.
Drag the first three edges on the eyebrow to the top, and target weld the first two new points to the point forehead.
Drag the two edges to the lift and target weld it to the part I just made.
Repeat the last process again.
And move the outside the whole edge down.
Targets weld the two points together on the top of head.
Drag the rest two edges of the eyebrow to the top, target weld the first point to the first forehead line, and the second points to the second line.
Select the rest edges of head, and then drag and clone them.
Targets weld them with the forehead part I just made.
Targets weld some of the points, so reduce the polygons which do not effect to the shape of the head.

Now clone the edges on the top of left side of the head and drag and them down.

Go to the polygon and select the piece of triangle polygon before the new polygon I just made. It is will be easier way to delete it and create a new square polygon here than weld them.

Drag and clone the edges that around the ear area to the back, and target weld it with the upper point.

Drag again the new edges and Target Weld them to the back of the head part.
Here I got the outline of ear area, and adjust the point on this area, because I will create an ear on this area, it’d better make them on correct positions.

Adjust the point which did not connect with the back of the head to the front.

Cut a new line from this point to the top.

Clone all the edges on the top of this part and drag them to the top, target weld them with the top of the head part.

There will be a point can not be connected, just cut a new line to weld this point.

Adjust the edges on the left side of head, and make sure they go alone a circle.


Before the whole left side of then head I have to create the neck part first to fix the position of the part between head and head.

So quickslice two edges on the front and back neck part around the Adam's apple part,

And then clone and target weld these two parts of neck,

With the connect tool to divide the new part into 6 parts, and there will be three points connecting to the head. Go to vertex level and pull all the point to the left on the front view to create the basic shape of the neck.

Last part of closing

Now go back to the head part and drag the rest part below the ear area. Target Weld them to the back side like the picture below.

Drag and clone all the edges to the top side, but here is not enough points to connect like the top head as well. So cut a line again.

Do the same thing on the neck. By now there is just one triangle hole left. So close it with cap on the border level.

At last, cut some edges to make the natural connection.

By now the basic shape of head was completed, go to the modify list and find the TurboMooth, and then try to find out the point that I miss to weld.

A-part4 Detail of the face

This blog I will modify the face from the detail part to make the eye, mouth and nose better, and realistic.
Firstly, add a new line at the outside of lips, select all the edges around the mouth with Ring and click Connect tool to build a new circle line. Adjust it on the vertex level, and drag it a little bit to the back. This line is for creating feeling of an outstanding lip.

Secondly, in order to making the mouth richer, I create a line on the lips with the same method, and then drag them to the front.
For the eyes, I create a new circle with the same method like mouth and drag it to the back and adjust it on the vertex level.
This time I will create more detail on the nose, first cut a circle line around the nose tip, and cut another line in the middle of one side of the nose, there will be two cross points with the lines of nose tip, drag them to the right to build the shape of the wing of nose.
Cut a line connect corner of the nose with the eye.
Cut a line on the wing and bottom of nose, drag the cross point to the top to build the basic shape of the nostril.
Drag these two points to the lift to build the height of wing of the nose.
At the last drag the eyebrow and target weld the point on the forehead.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

A-part3 The outline of face

From this blog I will create the rest of face continually, but the same principle that is the eyes and mouth are most important, so I will always keep creating basic them.

1. Firstly I will go on start with the most part of the face, eyes. Select the whole edges around the eye. And push the shift to clone a new bigger edge.

There will be two points on the corner of eye, so it needs to be welded like before.
After that, go to vertex level to modify these new points, especially the corner of the eyes.
Move forward the points on the first of eyes edge to make the shape of the eyelid.

Next, it is time to close the first eye circle, on the vertex level to cut 3 lines to close the circle, and be careful the shape should be same to the eyes.

Normally there are several lines loop around mouth and eyes, in order to making that I cut another two lines.

Right click and Remove the useless line, and modify the two new points.

2. Secondly, go to the mouth part to create the parts around the mouth, create the second mouth second like creating the eyes.

Weld the both points on the corner. Adjust all the points on the vertex level.

Clone a new edge based the edge on the second mouth circle. Target weld two new points to the points on the corner of nose for creating a new area between mouth and nose. This part will be the basic of the ditch between nose and mouth.

Cut a new edge to close the first mouth circle.

Right click and Remove the useless line and adjust the points around area.

3. New I am going to create the part between eye and mouth, go back to the eye part,
Cut three edges on the outside corner of eye. Remove the third just keep the points. Adjust the positions of those new points.

Cut a new edge on the nose and target weld the two points between eye and nose.
By now I need to take time to adjust all the points around the eyes on different views.

4. Clone the underneath edge of the second eye circle and upper edge of the third mouth circle to create the parts of the upper mouth and down the eye.

Close the area between them, cut a new line if there is not enough line to connect,and keep adjust all the vertexes during this time.

Move the outside points to backward, here is the cheek. Some thin people is deeper
Here, fat people may be raised.

Nest step is a special connective part, drag the edge by pushing the shift button, and go to vertex level to target weld upper point to underneath eye part.

Build next part by the same way.

5. Close the chin part, firstly drag and close the part around the corner of the mouth like last step.

And then repeat it from the bottom of chin as well.

Go to Border level and close the last cap with Cap.

Drag and clone the last edge, target weld with the old points on this circle.

Take time to adjust all the points on the chin.

At last drag and clone an edge to close a cap between eye and forehead.
By now the outline of face is completed.